Sunday, January 25, 2009


hello ladies and gents!
well yesterday was quite an adventure! i woke up and went walking around the city for about 3 hours. it was great just thinking and walking and taking everything in. i went through the central park, by the coast, near Cristoph Colom, and walked all the way up Las Rambles! it was neat going to all the shops and stuff.
i really like Las Rambles because there are all the stands, flower and animal shops and artists! yes, it's very touristy but i enjoy walking along it!

later we went to ANOTHER FC BARCELONA GAME!!!!!! and boy was it amazing! there was alot more passion in the air. Many more chants and yells and whatnot. we ended up winning 4-1 so that was incredible!!!

afterwards, we went home real quick (1am........) and changed clothes and met up with the girls on my soccer team! They are SO SO SO nice! I am on a new team now, but can't remember the name of it... but i will let you know soon! we went to 3 different clubs and were dancing and it was so great! this one girl said i have to teach her english and she will teach me spanish, so i said Si! obviously :) then we went took a taxi to another club called Jambori and kristin and i danced by ourselves for over an hour.. it was awesome the music was great and so much fun...
we got home past 5 and passed out immediately!!

it's 2:46 pm for us right now and someone (kristin haha) is still asleep!

i love you all so much and cant wait to see your smiling faces again!

oh and if you want to write me, feel free to do it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Party hardy