Wednesday, January 21, 2009

6 days, AH!!!

well I ahven't posted since last thursday but honestly not a ton of huge interesting things have happened!
Friday: hung out with Carlos. walked around and then came home. awesome eh?

Saturday: i got up early, walked around alot. went to this really cool park near us, watched some little kids play soccer for a while by our house, they were SO cute :)
and then...
DUN DUN DUN!!!! we went to our first FC BARCELONA GAME!!!!!!!!! and oh my it was beyond amazing. the stadium was so huge. i walked in and literally taken aback by the sheer magnitude of the place. you could feel the passion and excitment. i was shaking because i was so ready and that it was FINALLY happening! they won the game 5-0 and it was so awesome. i had brought my mega-camera lens so i got some pretty decent pics! that night we hung out with these Germans who are pretty cool

Sunday: i woke up early and went to Alex's soccer game. it was FREEZING but once the sun came out it was so much better. i was oging to take pictures but had forgotten to charge my camera from the night before :/ then i went to church which was a really cool church. it was kind of hard to understand because it was in Catalan not spanish, but i knew when they did the Our Father as well as peace be with you's hahah came home that next day. got everything ready for SCHOOL BAH!

Monday:we first tried to get our student metro tickets but had to fill out with paper and get something from our university. then we went to this massive mega store calleld El Corte Ingles. imagine the NYC Macy's but 20x bigger... yah its that huge! we got SPIRALS and PENS! you know i'm all about some good school supplies :) then we went to one of our universities and didnt' get the paper filled out bc they were so busy. ate lunch which was 2 euros and then went to the OTHER campus which is about 40 min away by metro. we got there an hour before my class. searched ALL around this area. asked about 20 people if they knew where it was and they said it didnt exist so that was helpful... i started freakin out because i was already late and we couldnt find it. so we hop in a taxi and we are like please take us to this place FAST... and guess what. he makes a LEFT turn and we are there. the cab cost was 2.05 euros and taxis have a 2 euros flat rate. so our trip was .05... bahaha so that was a good story. we went to class. it was International Marketing for me and it doesn't seem that hard.. i have it again in acouple of hours!! we came home... made SPAGHETTI!!! which was oh so delicious!

Tuesday: went to class at 11... luckily i found it easily this time :) it seems like an awesome class. it's called Spanish Art and Cultural History. We go to Musems all the time, learn to analyze art in depth, and have a final art project we have to make. So needless to say, it's going to be really great. Then i tried to go to our Programs office in between classes, ended up getting lost was freaking out because i thought i was going to be late to a class AGAIN but got there on time. then i had Spanish for 4 hours... yup 4 hours... it was intense! well my class wasn't... we did letters, and numbers hahah but hoepfully it'll get harder :) and it was nice because he gave us breaks every hour so i guess that was good! Class was over at 5:30 we didn't get home until 615. I had soccer at 7:30 so i had to rush to get ready and leave. plus grab some food! i go to soccer... wait in the cold for like 30 min because practice was running WAYYY late. then i play and the girls aren't as good as the other team i was on so that kinda stinks. so whatever... i am going to give it another shot on thursday so we'lllllllllllll see!

oh my that was alot!
we were thinking about going to valencia this weekend... but we ahvne't been too organized with it, plus we're going to Grenada i think next weekend! so cool!
i love you all and will be better with posting everday! who knows maybe you'll get 2 in a day today!
lots of love.

oh ps. i dyed my hair dark brown thursday night if you didn't notice!!!!!


Mare and Pare said...

NOW that is what I call blogging!! Nicely done and I love all the information!!!

Anonymous said...

WHOAAA! Sounds totally cool. And Marg why would you want Spanish to get harder? lol! It takes yall 40 minutes to get to the University??