Friday, January 23, 2009

no school!

that was one hard week! but guess waht! no school EVER on fridays! so that's nice! today we woke up and we were going to go to the Sagrada Familia with our friend Phil... but we got there and the sky was all cloudy which would have made our pictures not very good, so we decided to just wait and go a different day! we went down to the coast becasue we hadn't been there and since today was kinda hot... we wanted to go to the beach!!
and boy was it beautiful!! we walked around aimlessly for a very long time just on the docks and it was so fun. ate at this litttle italian place and it was great! then we walked around some more and found this little grove that had like 10 mandarine trees! so obviously i picked one but i haven't eaten it yet, so i hope its delicious!
it was such a fun day, just walking around, with no where in particular to go to. these types of days are my favorite! i love finding new things and experiencing new things as well.

tomorrow will be eventful too! dont you worry.
till then...

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