Thursday, January 22, 2009


well kristin and i just got home from a long ole day at school!!
i had to leave extra early to go to the Sant Pau campus in order to get my ID made. i arrive at Sant Pau this morning at 9:45 a.m. thinking it is going to take 20 min to do. all i do is sit there and they take a picture and voila! i am done. so i was happy that i had a very long time to make it over to the Sarria campus. i go to my Spanish Art class this morning and it was so great. we learned about Pre Historic cave paintings and stuff and it was actually way more interesting than it sounds! problem was, we watched a movie for 45 min and i was quite tired so my eyes were closing a bit :(
after i went to the cafeteria, because we have an hour for the next class and thats where everyone meets. it is always nice to just hang out and talk with evryone. i think we are going to Grenada next weekend which will be very exciting. Espanol for 4 hours was next which we always dread, but once we get in there its never as bad as you think it will be. i say 'we' because both kris and i have spanish at the same time but OBVIOUSLY not in the same class :)

now we are tiredddd. just ate some pan y tomate and it was delish! time to watch last night's episode of lost! hooray!
much love yall

1 comment:

Kristy said...

Sounds like a very tiring day!! But very fun!! Have a great weekend! We can't wait to hear all about it!!