Monday, February 16, 2009

WEEK of feb 9 -12

so since i've been bad at posting :'( here is last week!
FEB 9!!! WINNIES BIRTHDAY!! it was awesome because i was able to watch him open presents! amazing!
feb 10 - LONG day! class and nothing else. i ate spaghetti!
feb 11- had to do a case study for my international marketing class.. then i got home and kris was sick :( and then i went to soccer! we had to do suicides because they lost... so it was tiring but i did well so thats good!
feb 12 - LONG day again! then that night we met up with our German friends and go to their flat for a littlw while and then we all end up going to this cool bar place called La Oveja Negra (black sheep) and jsut chilled there for a while. then i came home and ended up getting only like 2 hours asleep because i had to wake up at 515 to go to the airport... more about Seville next post!

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